Clicking Unlock Wallet will unlock any wallet (such as trust wallet, metamask, bitwallet, etc.) that is compatible with the BNB Smart Chain. Additionally, Connect is located in the top right corner. View the total and circulating supply of EYE Token, including details on how the supplies are calculated. An overview showing the statistics of EYE Token, such as the base and quote currency, the rank, and trading volume. We audited the project team’s ERC20_Taxed contract at 0xf0d0036f959fe717b68edfb24e8ff336db82a342 on the Binance Smart Chain Testnet. MEDIA EYE is building a new ERC20 token with a liquidity generation event.
It has a circulating supply of 5.6 Million EYE coins and a total supply of 9.89 Million. If you are looking to buy or sell Behodler, Uniswap is currently the most active exchange. It has a circulating supply of 93 Million EYE coins and a total supply of 1 Billion. If you are looking to buy or sell MEDIA EYE, Uniswap is currently the most active exchange. A list of the top EYE Token markets across all crypto exchanges based on the highest 24h trading volume, with their current price. CoinGecko provides a fundamental analysis of the crypto market.
The top crypto exchanges that have EYE Token available for trading, ranked by 24h trading volume and the current price. The 24 hour trading volume of Behodler is $7,480.17. The tokens collected from the tax fee are sent to the tax receiver wallet controlled by the team. No mint or burn functions exist, though the circulating supply can be decreased by sending tokens to the 0x..dead address. The 24 hour trading volume of MEDIA EYE is $30,077.06. 5% of total supply to be held in a charity wallet and donated to ocean saving charities.
The owner can set the tax rate to any value up to 10% at any time. Initially, 100% of the total supply is held by the owner. Our goal is to create passive and generational wealth for each holder.
Where can MEDIA EYE be traded?
A newsreel of influencer success and failure stories from all forms of crypto media. This will reveal both their positive and negative cryptocurrency activities. Our goal is to recognize and support positive influencers while holding non-ideal influencers publicly accountable. Use the calculator to convert real-time prices between all available cryptocurrencies and fiat. The all-time high price of Behodler is $2.52 on Mar 20, 2021 . During the Liquidity Generation Event, the amount of purchased tokens are recorded to ensure it does not exceed the maximum allowed amount per user per round.
Eye Protocol employs quality analysis to rate the performance of influencers.
The eYe token empowers MEDIA EYE users while reducing costs of services on the platform. The EYE token can be used to receive discounts and to unlock select platform services, including NFT campaign creation, subscription payments, creating events, airdrops and more. Holders of EYE tokens can reduce their platform fees by 15% on select services.
If you find any discrepancies or false information about projects, infringement of copyrights or scam, please write us. MeDIA eYe platform users will be able to launch their NFT campaigns quickly and easily. While users will be able to mint and launch NFT campaigns in minutes, reaching a wide range of audiences, friends and loved ones. The MeDIA eYe NFT Portal is designed for everyone; artists, brands, gamers, entertainers, social media agencies, collectors, cryptocurrency protocols, and many others.
Buy in early to what the crypto publications are saying will be the world’s next biggest meme coin. An irresistibly cute community-owned defi coin that’ll make a We are also saving the oceans to save the fish. Ultimately, our main goal is to recognise and support positive influencers while publicly holding non-ideal influencers accountable. The Eye will offer an influencer rating leaderboard based on quantifiable metrics like value for money, the volume created, community interaction, etc.
Tokenomics data for this coin is currently unavailable. Team fully verified by CoinSniper to ensure anti-rug and complete project security. Public collections can be seen by the public, including other shoppers, and may show up in recommendations and other places. The Eye wants to focus on the prevalence and abundance of “Crypto Influencers” and provide a regulatory and accountability-focused body to inform investors about the efficacy of these marketing channels.
All information including our rating, is provided merely for informational purposes. Over the last day, Project Dark Eye Token has had 0% transparent volume and has been trading on 1 active markets with its highest volume trading pairs being . You will receive an email with instructions for how to confirm your email address in a few minutes. You will receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password in a few minutes. Big Eyes is coming soon to a crypto exchange near you.
The owner can set the LGE Whitelister address to any address at any time; initially, the owner is set as the LGE Whitelister. The owner can add or remove any address from the sender or recipient tax whitelists at any time; initially, only the owner and the tax receiver addresses are exempt from any tax fees. Only whitelisted users may participate in the Liquidity Generation Event by purchasing tokens from the Pair; there may be a different set of whitelisted users for every round. After the rounds are created and the Pair address is set, anyone may kick off the Liquidity Generation Event by transferring tokens to the Pair address.
Social media
Not only will you earn the pinnacle of any reflection token BUSD. Being a Bulls Eye holder you will have the first opportunity at our profit sharing NFTs that will be coming soon. Suppling passive income month after month in any market condition. It’s simple to trade the EYE token on the PancakeSwap exchange. By clicking the buy button below, you may access the exchange.
- An overview showing the statistics of EYE Token, such as the base and quote currency, the rank, and trading volume.
- If you find any discrepancies or false information about projects, infringement of copyrights or scam, please write us.
- Only whitelisted users may participate in the Liquidity Generation Event by purchasing tokens from the Pair; there may be a different set of whitelisted users for every round.
- It’s simple to trade the EYE token on the PancakeSwap exchange.
- The owner can set the tax rate to any value up to 10% at any time.
The NFT Portal could also be a great asset to those who are sport and E-sports fanatics by commemorating certain events and alternative forms of digital experiences. MeDIA eYe is a non-custodial NFT platform, which is developed to provide convenience and reduce the difficulties that arise with creating, collecting and distributing What is EYE Token digital media. Bullseye is a deflationary token that Pays 8% in BUSD reflections. Get the latest crypto news, updates, and reports by subscribing to our free newsletter. When the price hits the target price, an alert will be sent to you via browser notification. To receive alerts, please allow web browser notification permission.
MtG Sand Warrior 1/1 Double Sided Token Alternative Art – EDH, Commander, Cube Draft and Casual
The EYE token is an ERC-20, BEP-20 and soon-to-be FTM-20 token that is central to the utility of the MEDIA EYE platform. It carries a fixed supply of 1 billion tokens apportioned equally, with 500 million ERC-20 EYE tokens and 500 million BEP-20 EYE tokens. In the future, EYE tokens will be burned in part to also release EYE on Fantom and Avalanche resulting in the fixed supply over time to be reduced substantially on ETH and BSC. The eYe token will be a utility token on other networks, just as it is on ETH and BSC currently.
MtG Treasure Token Double Sided Alternative Art – EDH, Commander, Cube Draft and Casual
In addition to tracking price, volume and market capitalisation, CoinGecko tracks community growth, open-source code development, major events and on-chain metrics. The owner can set the tax receiver address to any address at any time. The LGE Whitelister address can set the Pair address, delete the round data, modify the round duration, maximum contribution amount, and list of whitelisted users for any round at any time. The eye provides users with an interactive database where they can review the value-added potential of influencers based on historical performance indicators.